Thursday, February 27, 2020

Manager should adapt their leadership style according to the context Essay

Manager should adapt their leadership style according to the context - Essay Example Going by the disparate nature and temperament of different people, a manager could come across a variety of situations that may demand much ingenuity and creativity. The primary objective of any manager is to coordinate the activities and aspirations of people with disparate nature and temperaments in a way that they work together as a team towards the achievement of important organizational goals. Hence, it is important for the managers to adapt their leadership style according to the context, as a rigid and stiff leadership approach may fail to yield results under diverse circumstances. In fact, a context driven approach towards leadership brings in the possibility of incorporating new dimensions in the area of leadership and tends to come down on the belief that leaders are born and not made. It is a fact that managers working in private or public organizations do comes across a range of issues and problems on a daily basis. Many a times it gets really challenging to make decisions in situations that are open to diverse influences and interests (Kong 2014). Making the right decision under such circumstances requires much balance and patience. Actually, it is such situations that defy the regular leadership approaches that tend to test the actual worth and effectiveness of a manager. Under such circumstances the really effective managers are those that have the ability to grasp the actual context of a situation and are able to make a decision as to which leadership style will be appropriate in a specific situation. Leadership is about the capacity for variation and adaptability and those managers that believe that one leadership style or approach fits all simply could not be expected to perform well and successfully (Kong 2014). Hence an effective manager does need to have the skill and the capacity to adapt one’s leadership style to the context under consideration and the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Intercultural Experience Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intercultural Experience Assignment - Essay Example There are many different subcultures among the Latino population. I decided to try food from restaurant owned and managed by people from the island of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is an island located in the Caribbean region. The entire populations of Puerto Rico are actually U.S. citizens due to the fact that Puerto Rico is a territory of the Unites States. Officially the island’s government has a commonwealth political status with the United States. When I entered the restaurant I was greeting by a very nice woman who gave a greeting in Spanish. She was in Spanish â€Å"Bienvenidos a nuestro restaurant† which means welcome to our restaurant. I was given the menu within five minutes of my entrance. When the waitress gave me the menu she also brought some vegetables, bread, and water. I told the waitress that I was very hungry, but I did not know what to order due to the fact that I had never eaten puertorican food before. I explained to her that I was visiting their establ ishment as part of a class project in which I had to evaluate the food that I ate from an international location. She told me that I was very lucky because I had picked the right place to enjoy an exotic meal. The meal that I ended up ordering is called in Spanish â€Å"Mofongo con carne frita y caldo† which can translate to fried plantain with fried pork meat and fish or chicken stew. The meal was amazing. The fried plantain was the best part of the meal. It tasted absolutely delicious. Since the plantain it’s a bit hard it has to be dripped with the stew to make it softer to eat. The fried pork meat is a tremendous compliment to the plantain. The food was great and the price was right on the money. The meal only costs me $9.95 plus taxes and tip and it included the drink. I gave the waitress a $5 tip which represents a 50% tip for her services. Now that I had visited and eaten a unique cuisine meal from the Puertorican culture it was time for me to learn more about P uerto Rico. To achieve this task I decided to interview and old friend of mine who was born in Puerto Rico. In the following three paragraphs I am going to describe the different things I learned about the Puertorican culture based on my interview. Puerto Rico is a small island in the Caribbean Sea whose dimensions are 100 miles in length by 35 miles in width. The island with a population of 4 million inhabitants is considered one of the most populated regions in the world per square miles. The United States won a war with the Spaniard in 1898 which gave them control of Puerto Rico. Ever since 1917 the people of Puerto Rico have been US citizens. Puertorican have sacrificed a lot over the years with thousands of military solders being recruited from Puerto Rico. The official language of Puerto Rico is Spanish, but English is taught since elementary school to all the children. The educational system provides school for 12 years with the bilingual teaching of English. Most young adult s after finishing high school go to college. The college participation among the youth in Puerto Rico is higher than in the United States. A college education in Puerto Rico is much cheaper than in the United States. Puerto Rico imports that majority of its consumer products from the United States. The US marine is used to import merchandise into the United States. The Unites States and Puerto Rico shared a common military. The official currency of Puerto Rico is the US dollar. The island is poor in comparison with the United States with an income per capital of approximately $17,000 which